Home At Long Last

BORN 02/01/1975

PASSED AWAY 10/08/2015


Julie had lots of problems and life was hard for her. She was born on Jan 2nd 1975 at Warrington General Hospital. As she grew she was so full of love and would do anything for anyone. She had curvature of the spine throughout her life which caused her much pain. She had a major operation when she was in her teens, but unfortunately it didn’t work out for Julie and she had to carry on as before. She had coordination problems also which meant she would fall over a lot and drop things. As she got older she was able to walk ok but still found co-ordination a real problem. She also had eye problems in that she was born with a squint which made her look cross eyed, eventually that was put right at the Royal Eye Hospital, she had to wear glasses though which was a small price to pay. To be honest, she was always attending different hospitals over her younger years as there were so many tests for numerous things which traumatised her as some of the test were very painful. The doctors could never pinpoint what was wrong and after years of tests concluded she had clumsy child syndrome. She had behavioural problems which we think was ADHD. Today its a known mental illness back in the 70s and 80s little was known about it. Her dad and I had no idea how to help her at the time, as we ourselves were not aware of the condition. The guilt lies heavy for that today.

Julie didn’t have many friends, as with her disabilities, the kids in school would make fun of her but that’s what kids do and its only when they grow up they may realise how hurtful they were back then.

Moving on as Julie grew she developed a love for animals that was phenomenal, especially dogs. In her mind they were loyal and would stand by her always, it seemed like an escape from all the worlds hurt. She had a pet dog called Lucci and she would buy so many toys and treats and if there was any sign of illness off to the vet she would go whether she could afford it or not. She would always stop people in the street or park to cuddle their dogs, and would always challenge people who were mistreating their animals no matter who and as Julie was only quite small it must of took some courage to challenge people. One time she wrote to the Warrington Guardian to investigate why her dog got sick after sniffing the ground where chemicals had been used for weed control, she wanted to raise an awareness or get it looked into to save other pets suffering needlessly.

Still another time, silly as it sounds, she rescued a wasp from drowning in some water only to be stung for her trouble, who else would risk that?

Other pets included a gerbil which she called Herbie the Gerbie , she had Herbie in a play ball which it rolled around the rooms freely. Another pet was a hamster called Jerry, quite a vicious little fella, her dad was scared of picking it up in case it bit him so he wore a glove (for Gods sake) if he cleaned the cage. Julie, on the other hand, just put her hand in the cage and picked Jerry up, the hamster seemed to sense that she was a friend and sat in her hands contently. This was the same for all animals that Julie came across!